Mesaj in solidaritate si sprijin de urgenta pentru victimele incendiului din Bucuresti.
La 31 octombrie, 2015, incendiul a cuprins un club de noapte din Bucuresti, Romania in care au murit 27 de persoane si alte sute au fost ranite. De atunci, numarul mortilor a crescut la mai mult de 50. IFSW Europa doreste sa transmita simpatie si condoleante pentru victime si familiile acestora.
De asemenea, dorim sa ne exprimam solidaritatea cu colegii nostri asistenti sociali romani, care se ocupa de familiile victimelor care acum sunt spitalizate. In vremuri de tragedie asistenti sociali ofera sprijin emotional si suport practic familiilor pentru ca acestea sa continue sa fie active. Asistentii sociali sunt formati pentru a evalua si raspunde nevoilor aflate in schimbare. Aceste nevoi ar putea include suport pentru a parcurge procedurile admnistrative, mediere intre personalul spitalului si failii si suport pentru acoperirea unor nevoie concrete ale familiilor care sunt departe de casele lor pentru perioade lungi de timp: cazare, hrana, imbracaminte, etc.
Numarul mare de victime a creat o situatie unica ce a necesitat o cooperare internationala in asistenta sociala oferita.
Administratia romanesca a inceput in urma cu cateva zile sa transfera pacientii la diferite clinici de specialitate din intreaga Europa, pentru ca nu poate oferi tratament adecvat in anumite cazuri. Acest lucru poate fi singura sansa pentru cel putin o parte din victime pentru a supravietui.
Acei pacienti care merg in alte tari sunt insotiti de un membru al familiei pe cheltuiala guvernului. Autoritatile romane se ocupe de multe probleme de organizare, dar membrii familiilor au nevoie de sprijin de asistenta sociala individuala, locala – cineva care este disponibil pentru ei in timpul situatiei de criza, care poate sa ii sustina pentru a gasi raspunsuri la intrebarile lor si ii ajuta imediat cu tot ceea ce au nevoie in timp ce stau cu rudele lor spitalizate.
In Bucuresti, Asociatia pro asistenta sociala – ASproAS a creat o echipa de asistenti sociali pentru a sprijini rudele din spitale si din afara spitalelor. Asociatia asistentilor sociali din Romania ASproAS a contactat asociatiile membre ale IFSW in Austria, Germania, Elvetia, Marea Britanie si Israel si a cerut ca acestea sa se asigure ca asistentii sociali locali si personalul medical medical ajuta acei membri ai familiei care sunt intr-o tara straina si, probabil, nu vorbesc limba. Colegii nostri romani sunt apoi in masura sa ofere actualizari membrilor familiei din Romania.
ASproAS are nevoie de persoane de contact din Olanda, Belgia, Franta si Norvegia pentru a oferi suport pentru familiile victimelor internate acolo. Este de preferat pentru asistentii sociali care lucreaza in spitale sa fie persoana de contact sau, cel putin, sa fie in masura sa identifice asistenti sociali in spitalele care au acceptat victimele romane de incendiu.
IFSW Europa solicita organizatiilor noastre membre si asociatiile nationale de asistenti sociali din aceste tari sa conecteze direct ASproAS (, in scopul de a oferi cel mai bun suport pentru pacienti si familiile lor.
IFSW Europe Executive Committee, 14th November 2015
Message in Solidarity and Call for urgent support for burn victims of Bucharest fire accident
On October 31, 2015 a fire engulfed a night club in Bucharest, Romania killing 27 people immediately and injuring hundreds. Since then the death toll has risen to more than 50. IFSW Europe wishes to extend our sympathy and condolences to the victims and their families.
We also wish to express our solidarity with our Romanian social work colleagues who are caring for the families of those victims still hospitalized. In times of tragedy social workers provide the emotional and practical support the families need to continue functioning. Social workers are trained to assess and respond to changing needs. These needs might include help with administrative issues, mediation with hospital personnel and the concrete needs of families who are away from their homes for long periods: accommodation, food, clothing, etc.
The large number of victims has created a unique situation requiring international social work cooperation.
The Rumanian health administration started some days ago to transfer patients to different specialized clinics all over Europe because they cannot provide adequate treatment for so many cases. This may be is the only chance for at least some of the victims to survive.
Those patients going to other countries are accompanied by one family member at government expense. The Romanian authorities take care of many organizational problems, but these family members need individual, local social work support – somebody who is available for them during the crisis situation, who answers their questions, helps them immediately with everything they need while staying with their relatives.
In Bucharest, the Association Pro Social Work – ASproAS has set up a team of social workers to support the relatives in the hospitals and outside. The Romanian association has contacted the member IFSW associations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, UK and Israel and asked that they make sure that local, medical social workers are helping those family members who are in a strange country and probably don’t speak the language. Our Romanian colleagues are then able to provide updates to the family members in Romania.
ASproAS still needs contact persons in the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Norway to help care for the families of the victims hospitalized there. It is preferable for medical social workers to be the contact person or, at least, to be able to identify the appropriate social workers in the hospitals that have accepted the Romanian fire victims.
IFSW Europe calls to our member organizations and national associations of social workers from these countries to connect directly with ASproAS ( in order to provide the best support to the patients and their families.
IFSW Europe Executive Committee, 14th November 2015